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  • Adams, Jay E, Competent to Counsel, Baker Bode House, 1980, cetakan ke-14
  • Bar, William D., Counseling with Confidence, Logos International, 1981, cetakan ke-1
  • Bennet, Rita, Emotionally Free, Flemming H. Revell Company, 1982, cetakan ke-1
  • Hagin, Kenneth E, Understanding the Annointing, Faith Library Publications, 1983, cetakan ke-5
  • Cerullo, Morris, The New Annointing, World Evangelism, Inc, 1983, cetakan ke-5
  • Carolina, Ester dan Andereas Samudera, Penyembuhan Luka-luka Batin (Inner Healing), 1987, Revival Total Ministry , cetakan ke-1
  • Hagin, Kenneth E, Why Do People Fall Under the Power, Faith Library Publications, 1981, cetakan ke-2 Mize, Terry, More than Conquerors, Harrison House, 1981, cetakan ke-4
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